The 2019 PICnic

Matt Lewis | 09/24/2019

An end of summer PICnic (funky capitalization in honor of our studio’s founder, Greg Picarelli) is an annual tradition at EY Studio PHL. Every year after our September staff meeting we head out to a local park to get some fresh air and have some fun (weather permitting of course). After lunch in the park we spend the rest of the afternoon playing games and enjoying the outdoors. There’s frisbee tossing, soccer skill games, board games, Ladder Golf, Kan Jam, Hockey Sauce, Sushi Go Party, and of course the company kickball game. It’s always a blast to fill each other in on our respective summer adventures while participating in competitive (or non-competitive) games. There’s also a ton of locals out walking their dogs in the park, and the animal fans among us were especially psyched to give some love to these new furry friends.