Maider Macarro Manager, Argentina,
EY Design Studio LAS

Maider obtained a degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering from Mondragon Unibertsitatea with the objective of generating a more positive impact on people and on the planet. While chasing after her dreams, she trained in user experience design and has participated in different projects to identify the users' needs and contexts and design services that adapt to them and to the strategies of businesses or organizations. Her curiosity and strong desire to keep learning pushed her to continue her career by undertaking a master's degree in Accessibility for Smart City.

As a strategic designer, she devotes herself to projects offering a critical vision and connecting ideas, thus helping in the analysis and development of proposals and inspiring the team with new tools and methodologies.

She is passionate about experiencing new things and knowing new places and cultures. Living abroad and doing volunteer work helped her grow personally and professionally and developed her empathy and adaptation skills.