Mikel Pagalday UX & Product Designer, Argentina,
EY Design Studio LAS

Mikel graduated in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, where he started his professional career working as an intern at the design studio LKS Diaradesign. Here he participated in both product design projects, such as the design of the new Singapore and Heffei subway lines, as well as service projects, developing a mobile banking app to facilitate the learning of the value of money among children.

Due to this journey, Mikel came from Euskal Herria to the EY Design Studio in Argentina in early 2023. His main goal is to develop and learn more about the world of design, especially focusing on the aspects of UX Design, looking for the opportunity to specialize in this field. This is how he has started his stay with the UX Design community.

He is certain that good design is the key to make a real difference in any social or professional aspect, and that through the use of Human Centered Design, significant changes can be achieved to improve people's lives.